Thursday, December 17, 2009

Festival of Lights

So last Friday Allen and I went to the DWP Festival of Lights at Griffith Park and it was awesome. I would highly recommend it. The best display was the the one from LAX. They had the resturant, the light towers and a plane taking off. Second place display was the entrance it was a tunnel Christmas lights. Christmas lights are awesome.

Then on Saturday we went to Marina Del Rey to see Allens uncles boat in the parade of lights. Although we never got a hold of him, I'm sure we saw the boat. It was very strange. There were only like 6 boats and there were like 100's of people and it was pouring. I wore 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, a jacket, scarf, beanie, gloves and combat boots but I needed wind shield wipers on my glasses.

Sunday was a much more lazy day. We spent the whole day decorating the house for Christmas.

We have finished all our shopping but it's that darn wrapping that I haven't gotten to yet. But there is always tomorrow. But tomorrow I plan to do the Christmas cards but I'm sure I'll find time before Sunday when we'll be celebrating Christmas with Allen's dad. And between now and Sunday I have to bake a boat load of cookies for Allen's presents for his co-workers, go to a Christmas party and we have committed to volunteer on Sunday to wrap presents for MEND. Oh, and I have to pack for Chico and wrap all of Allen's gifts before Wednesday when we're celebrating with each other. CRAP!!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1st weekend in December 2009

Ahhh! Allen and I almost gotten eaten by a billion year old shark!

This past weekend marks Allen and I's nine years of dating, so we went to a moutain cabin in Ramona, Ca (by San Diego). We had a great time and the cabin was about the same size as our 1st condo.

On Saturday we went to a LA Kings vs St. Louis Blues hockey game and the Kings lost but we got a super cool bobblehead and Allen bought me a little breast cancer helmet to go on him.

On Sunday we went to Seaworld, it was super cool. We saw the shamu holiday show and ice skated. It was a great reminder of what winter fun can be like. The only thing missing was a inner tube and some snow.

We even brought up the Christmas decorations and we've been threatening to start decorating this weekend.

As a side note, Allen and I just bought an ipod ... I know we're like the only people in the world without one but we bought it using money we got from collecting cans ($30) and lost coin change ($191) and we each but in $20. It was amazing... we had $20 in pennies.