Thursday, April 23, 2009

Allen and the doctor

Allen recently took a sleep apnea test which he failed. He has severe sleep apnea. He was then given another test to determine how much air he needs at night. This machine makes Allen look like an elephant.

In just a couple weeks he'll have his own machine and we'll get to sleep again. YEAH!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Air force one at the Reagan Library

Our visit to the Reagan Library

This Easter weekend we had our nephew. We visited with Grandpa Camou on Friday evening and celebrated Isaacs birthday with cake and gifts.

Isaac and Allen (Uncle Buck) woke up on Saturday and ran some errands while I (Aunt Deborah) slept. Then daddy John came over and we headed off to the Reagan Library.

We saw all kinds of neat things there. We saw many exhibits about President Reagan and Nancy Reagan. We saw the Magna Carta. We saw an old Air Force One, inside and out and an exact replica of the oval office including the resolute desk. And because it was Easter weekend there was an egg hunt within the exhibits.

Although nothing could top the Library we tried with a trip to Toys R Us, Walmart and a fiesty game of Monopoly, which Aunt Deborah won. I'm sure Uncle Buck and Issac would agree I probably cheated. But when you've got Boardwalk, Park Place and one of each of the other colors so the only hotels on the board belong to you, it's difficult to lose.

Then Sunday just Uncle Buck and Isaac played Monopoly while Aunt Deborah slept. I'm sure I won't be invited to play for a while.

Sunday was a day of rest. Allen and I had to clean up after Isaac and get ready for the work week ahead.

Here's us all getting ready to board Air Force One.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Our random Sunday

It started as a regular Sunday .... Allen got up at 6:30am to sit on the couch and nap while I slept in until about 9:30am. We then spent the better part of the morning shopping. We went to Lowe's for some bathroom parts and Harbor Freight for rubber gloves.

Then we arrived home to put together our Saturday IKEA purchases and I was on the computer updating the church website. I went online to my bank account to check on a few things and noticed that all my $$ from my checking and money market accounts had been transferred into my savings and everything I had purchased in the past week had all gone into overdraft. These kind of shinanigans never happened with my piggy bank!!!!

After getting the bank accounts fixed, I was in no mood to cook. Allen, his father and I went out to Chili's. Allen had to pay because I'm broke until tomorrow when all the $$ will be returned to it's proper places.

But in happier news we finished the redecoration of our guest bedroom.

Check it out!!!